The Fusion plugin for Styletron, a component-oriented styling toolkit based on style objects. This plugin automatically sets up server-side rendering and provides an atomic CSS rendering engine to your styled components.
yarn add fusion-plugin-styletron-react styletron-react
// src/main.js
import App from 'fusion-react';
import Styletron from 'fusion-plugin-styletron-react';
import root from './components/root';
export default () => {
const app = new App(root);
return app;
The default Styletron plugin export uses atomic CSS rendeding engine. If you'd like to use monolithic CSS rendering engine you'd need to use a named plugin export instead as it's shown below.
// src/main.js
import App from 'fusion-react';
import {StyletronMonolithicPlugin} from 'fusion-plugin-styletron-react';
import root from './components/root';
export default () => {
const app = new App(root);
return app;
By default, it is assumed there is no global CSS that will result in collisions with the generated atomic class names. If this is not the case, collisions can be avoided by adding a prefix to the generated atomic class names via AtomicPrefixToken
import Styletron, {AtomicPrefixToken} from 'fusion-plugin-styletron-react';
app.register(AtomicPrefixToken, "_");
For API details and usage examples, see the official styletron-react
// src/components/root.js
import react from 'react';
import {styled} from 'fusion-plugin-styletron-react';
const Panel = styled('div', props => {
return {
backgroundColor: props.$color || 'Silver'
export default <Panel color="SteelBlue">Hello</Panel>;