Hello World

A simple React app using Fusion.js would look something like this:

import App from 'fusion-react';
import React from 'react';

export default async function start() {
  const root = <div>Hello World</div>
  const app = new App(root);
  return app;

Running this code (fusion dev) would produce the string "Hello World" on a plain white background with no styling.

While at face value this code obviously isn't doing much, there is a lot happening behind the scenes. Simply running this code will:

  • render the "Hello World" string on the server first, then use React API's to synchronize with React on the client
  • optimize all client and vendor code into separate bundles to ensure fast delivery of assets to the browser
  • setup HMR for local development

While this looks similar to a typical React example, one thing to emphasize is that all written code (with some exceptions) will run on both the server and the client. This is universal rendering at work and it is central to how Fusion.js works.

In the next section we'll cover the basic principles of Fusion.js.