Using services

React hooks are the preferred method for using services in React. In fact, many cases where we used class components can now be accomplished easier with hooks. Keep in mind that most plugins currently do not provide a service we would be able to use on the client-side. This feature is future-facing for how we want to consume services.

React Hooks were introduced in React v16.8. Make sure you are using a compatible version. If not, see below for the existing Provider pattern.

Hooks are relatively new to React so please familiarize yourself with the concepts. See the docs.


To use a Fusion.js plugin in React, fusion-react provides a custom useService hook for access to the service registered by a plugin.

// src/plugins/Example.js
import {createPlugin, createToken} from 'fusion-core';

export const ExampleToken = createToken('example');

export default createPlugin({
  provides: () => 'Hello React!',
// src/app.js
import ExamplePlugin, {ExampleToken} from './plugins/Example.js';

export default (app: FusionApp) => {
  app.register(ExampleToken, ExamplePlugin);
  // ...
// src/components/Example.js
import React from 'react';
import {useService} from 'fusion-react';
import {ExampleToken} from '../plugins/Example.js';

export default function Example() {
  const exampleService = useService(ExampleToken);
  return (
  ); // => <h1>Hello React!</h1>

The useService is a custom hook that accepts a token and returns the resolved service registered to that token.

  • token: Token<TService> - Required. A registered token
  • service: TService - The service provided by the registered plugin.

Implementation Details

Under the hood, fusion-react is using the Context API. The Provider is already added to the tree for you. In order to ensure the DI system cannot be overridden deep in the tree, there are no Context objects exposed directly. It wouldn't make sense to be able to place another Provider in the component tree.


useService will throw an exception if the token has not been registered or the plugin does not define a service in the provides option of createPlugin. Since hooks must be called unconditionally (i.e. you cannot use try/catch), these errors can only be caught with an ErrorBoundary around the component. Preferrably, useService is never called with a token that would result in this exception.

Creating providers to access services

The provider pattern can be utilized in environments that do not support React Hooks.

The Fusion.js plugin architecture makes it possible to automatically install providers when a plugin is registered. This, in turn, means all logic related to a service (including integration with React) can be colocated into a single plugin.

You can create providers and HOCs by implementing their respective patterns manually or by using the fusion-react package.

If you created a provider manually and you want to install it into a plugin, wrap ctx.element with it:

import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

class GreetingProvider extends React.Component {
  getChildContext() {
    return {
      greet() {return 'hello'}
  render() {
    return React.Children.only(this.props.children);
GreetingProvider.childContextTypes = {
  ...(GreetingProvider.childContextTypes || {}),
  greet: PropTypes.function.isRequired,

export default () => (ctx, next) => {
  if (ctx.element) {
    ctx.element = <GreetingProvider>{ctx.element}</GreetingProvider>;

The ctx.element property is a Fusion.js-specific value that holds the root element of an application when a request is server-side rendered. The if (ctx.element) check is important because we don't want to do server-side rendering related things for data endpoints, asset requests, etc.

Also note that we don't need an if (__NODE__) code fence as we want the provider to exist both in server and browser.